THE TAN SRI DATO’ SERI DR. ABDUL MALEK LAW STUDENTS’ CONFERENCE 2018: Law in an Era of Change: Legal Challenges Facing the Nation State


Dato’ KC Vohrah (Retired Judge of the Court of Appeal, Malaysia), Adjunct Professor of HELP’s Faculty of Law & Government and Conference Advisor, presenting his Opening Remarks during the Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Abdul Malek Law Students Conference 2018.

The Law Society, under HELP University’s Faculty of Law and Government organized the Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Abdul Malek Law Students’ Conference 2018 on March 31, 2018, at HELP Subang2 campus. The aim of organizing this conference was to serve and act as a national platform for undergraduates, postgraduates and legal researchers reading law in Malaysian universities to engage in critical issues that are fundamental to both the rule of law and the legal system in Malaysia. The conference provided a national platform for legal researchers at undergraduate and postgraduate levels to share their research and contribution to legal discourse. Hence, the theme of the conference, “Law in an Era of Change: Legal Challenges facing the Nation State”.

TThe law students’ conference was named after the late Tan Sri Dr Abdul Malek Ahmad, who was the former president of the Court of Appeal. His Lordship was a man who placed great importance on upholding the rule of law, justice and fairness – values that must resonate strongly in the nurturing of those who have embarked on the reading of the law. Additionally, this honour also serves to introduce His Lordship as a role model to a generation of young legal scholars.

More than 150 student delegates from HELP University, and, both public and private universities and colleges attended the conference. In excess of 50 guests of the university and the faculty attended the opening ceremony and keynote speech – comprising of the family of the late Tan Sri, the faculty alumni, industry partners, as well as representatives from the conference affiliates – SUHAKAM and Lexis Nexis

Professor Khong Kim Hoong (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, HELP University) gave the Welcome Address to the attendees and VIPs at the conference, after which, Dato’ KC Vohrah (Retired Judge of the Court of Appeal, Malaysia), Adjunct Professor of HELP’s Faculty of Law & Government and Conference Advisor, presented his Opening Remarks, where he gave a touching ode to his dear departed friend, the late Tan Sri, praising him as “the Chief Justice we never had.”


Professor Khong Kim Hoong (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, HELP University) giving the Welcome Address.

The highlight of the conference was the motivating and erudite keynote speech, “Challenges for the next generation: The Lawyer and Constitutionalism”, by Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram on the role of lawyers and constitutionalism. Critical, insightful, learned and a true legal intellect, Datuk Seri set the conference in the right direction in reminding our young law scholars the importance in upholding the constitutional principles of our supreme law and the rule of law.


Retired Judge of the Federal Court, Malaysia, Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram delivering the keynote speech on “Challenges for the next generation: The Lawyer and Constitutionalism”.

SUHAKAM commandeered the second session during the conference to talk about, “Human Rights in Malaysia: Facing the Challenges”. The session was presented by Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai (Retired Judge of the Court of Appeal, Malaysia), Adjunct Professor of HELP’s Faculty of Law & Government & SUHAKAM Commissioner.


Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai (Retired Judge of the Court of Appeal, Malaysia), Adjunct Professor of HELP’s Faculty of Law & Government & SUHAKAM Commissioner, presenting the session on Human Rights in Malaysia: Facing the Challenges.

The conference with its theme on the law in an era of change seemed very timely indeed and sits well with the newborn Malaysia post GE 14. The topics were on “Issues in Constitutional Law, Liberties and Human Rights”, “Human Rights in Malaysia: Facing the Challenges”, “Rethinking Rights: Man, Women and Child”, “The Environment: Deficiencies in protection and preservation” and “Refugees and Migrants: Building a basin of rights”. The papers presented by students from HELP, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Multimedia University, ATC and Universiti Malaya were very well researched and the students presented their thoughts and ideas in an articulate manner. HELP University offers two law programmes. The first is its own home-grown LLB programme known as the HELP Bachelor of Laws (Honours) which can be completed entirely at HELP University. Graduates who complete the HELP LLB degree will be granted the opportunity to enrol in selected postgraduate Master’s programmes at the ELM Graduate School.

The second is the UK Degree Transfer Programme (Law), which enables students to pursue a prestigious law degree at HELP University recognized for transfer to leading partner universities in the United Kingdom. Our prestigious UK partner universities include the University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, University of Leeds, Cardiff University, University of Liverpool, Aberystwyth University, University of the West of England, Bristol, Northumbria University and the University of Hertfordshire.

Upon successful completion of the UK Degree Transfer Programme (Law), also known as the UKDTP, students will be able to transfer to our partner universities in the United Kingdom or other universities in the United Kingdom (on a case-to-case basis) to read for an undergraduate LLB (Hons) degree.

An attractive feature of UKDTP programme is that students are able to obtain a much sought after UK law degree at an affordable cost, whilst flavouring the UK educational experience. Upon completion of the LLB (Hons) degree in the UK, students who wish to become practising lawyers will have to read for either the UK Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) to gain admission into the English Bar, or pursue the Malaysian Legal Profession Qualifying Board’s Certificate in Legal Practice examination. Alternatively, graduates may also embark on a variety of stimulating career fields, especially in the banking, business, commercial and management sectors, where a law degree is sought after.

For more information on HELP’S s Law programmes and degree pathways, visit or call 03-2716 2000 to speak to one of our guidance counselors today.

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